Canada's truckers launch a new Great Awakening. The MSM is MIA

WASHINGTON – What remains of the MSM in 2022 literally lives and dies on the attention we pay to its stories and narratives. Through their lack of attention to news and views that really matter to most Americans, the MSM is now on life support. Recent examples: The MSM’s total avoidance of this past week’s bombshell revelations by Special Prosecutor John Durham. And the downplaying and smearing of Canada’s persecuted truckers. Yet without MSM support, Canada’s truckers not only exposed Canada’s Klaus Schwab and George Soros instigated, CCP-virus assisted Great Reset. They may have launched the West’s working class Great Awakening. By which we mean a worldwide counter-movement that opposes mega-wealthy fascists eager to establish a modern, tech-centric New Feudalism on us all.

MSM gatekeeping is ending not with a bang, but a whimper

One primary example? CNN’s viewership is down 90% according to a recent survey. One key element in this waterfall decline — the general absence of President Donald J. Trump from Washington’s political center stage. CNN’s viewership, built largely on slandering Trump and his supporters for over five years, vanished almost overnight when Trump left the White House. Surprisingly, some of the network’s regular propagandists, including the oleaginous Jim Acosta have openly admitted this.

No longer able to provide 24/7 confirmation bias to its relatively youthful, far-left, but surprisingly fickle audience, CNN and its onetime relevance relevance quickly vanished. As did its trained, reality-show loving, sensation addicted and emotion craving audience.

Unsurprisingly, CNN and its traditional network news competitors – ABC, NBC, CBS and the reliably worthless MSNBC – continued their journey down the Road to Oblivion this month as evidenced by their sparse-to-nonexistent coverage of what could prove the social and political story of the decade. Namely, the epic, cross-continent trek of Canadian truckers to gather in their nation’s capital city, Ottawa.

Canada’s truckers intended to remain camped there indefinitely until their Klaus Schwab-trained globalist / socialist PM, Justin Trudeau, addresses their key issue. Specifically, the use of outmoded and ineffective Covid edicts, mandates and “vaccine passports” to destroy the democratic freedoms Canadians have long supported and enjoyed.

Justin “Fidel” Trudeau runs away, then has a massive temper-tantrum

Trudeau’s answer: First: run away like a coward, claiming C-word exposure as his initial excuse. Second: Suddenly return to Ottawa to slander and denounce Canada’s truckers as – you guessed it – racists, white supremacists, etc. And, of course, as terrorists.

(Note: If you actually believe Lie #1, then you’ll easily fall for Lie #2.)

After this charade, Trudeau unilaterally imposed martial law on all of Canada, something unheard of in democracies, save in subverted one-time democracies like Venezuela. Without a concerted pushback from Canadian citizens, the US will soon enjoy a gigantic Venezuela 2 dictatorship pressing down from this country’s northern border.

Also Read: Evil is as evil does – Biden and Trudeau fail to grasp history

Fascists on Parade

It doesn’t take much when citizens remain reluctant to rebel, even as Trudeau’s thug-ocracy moves to eject the truckers’ peaceful protest and destroy their livelihoods by hijacking – illegally – their family bank accounts. And the donations of those who support them.

But even as Canada’s truckers were routed by the government fascists this weekend – some of them no doubt headed for an illegal and prolonged January 6-style residence in some Canadian Gulag – their epic journey and the obvious justice of their cause has, to the great shock of the Trudeau-led and Klaus Schwab vetted Great Reset elitists had an electrifying effect around the world. Freedom-loving citizens around the globe have been inspired to either carry out their own anti-globalist, anti-Covid lockdown and anti vaccine passport demonstrations or begin planning such actions.

Where are reporters and outlets willing to report on the Great Awakening?

But in general, we, and they, remain starved of courageous and independent news outlets that accurately and fairly cover the epic story unfolding in Ottawa. Indeed, given the MSM’s studied lack of attention to this story, we find we must turn elsewhere for the news we need to read and see.

That’s one reason why I recently turned my attention to independent Canadian news providers. I have been impressed with Keean Bexte, who recently, in Ottawa, TURNED CBC OFF his news feed. Formerly a writer for another truth-telling Canadian web site, Rebel News, he now runs is own site, The Counter Signal. There, he continues to counter the Great Reset Narrative by reporting the about why his own and other Western “democratic” governments are forcing their countries in the direction of totalitarian dictatorships.

More hiding places for real news and reporting

True North Centre (; @TrueNorthCentre) looks pretty good, too. I’m sure there are others I haven’t yet found. And of course not everyone will agree with everyone else about which outlet is the best. But well-intentioned disagreement is one of life’s many motivations, isn’t it? It’s also one of the key freedoms specifically cited in both the Canadian and US Constitutions.

And let’s not forget the several man-on-the-street bloggers who’ve courageously livestreamed the unfolding protest in downtown Ottawa, offering plenty of evidence not only of its nearly 100% record of peacefulness. But also the fun and joy of its dancing and festive local supporters who’ve thrown off their stupid masks and repressive edicts to have a bit of fun after 2 years of likely illegal government imposed mandates and lockdowns. Often in subzero weather no less.

The Great Awakening will get our attention. The derelict, corrupt, Great Reset supporting MSM will not

Our attention is a gift we give to the world. Our families, our children, our friends, even we ourselves—as well as core causes like freedom under threat—merit vast quantities of our attention. But the MSM, in conjunction with increasingly oppressive government regimes, just presumed our attention. For them, it was simply a given. After all, where else could we go to find out what was going on?

But, gradually buried under the MSM’s never-ending avalanche of lies and false narratives, we turned away from them en masse. Finding themselves falling rapidly behind, they became more and more hysterical, illogical, and above all untruthful. They were desperate for our fading attention. Arrogance evolved into outright lies, and we were done with them. They no longer deserve even our criticism—which is just another form of attention they don’t deserve.

Yes. Through their own fault, the MSM lost our attention. And our respect. Permanently. That alone is an incredibly significant victory in a larger war against Great Reset political elites, their phony culture wars and above all, the intentional destruction of middle- and working-class lives and families. These are all the major goals of the Great Reset. If we continue to resist, the Great Reset will soon confront the irreversible force of a new Great Awakening.

Will Canada’s truckers inspire others around the world to fight Schwab, Soros, and their oligarchical fascist friends?

To help turn the tide in this former stealth war against humanity, we still need accurate news? But where can we find it today?

Who’s broadcasting the truth? Which companies support the truth? Which independents, in addition to those we’ve already noted? Who do we really trust, and what is verifiably true?

Moving forward, we must continue to talk, discuss, and argue about the new news coming at us all the time. It may or may not deserve our attention. But that’s for us to think about and decide.

However, one thing is certain. It’s time to ignore the elitist politicians and MSM dinosaurs that demand our attention and fealty while insulting our intelligence nonstop. Instead, they regurgitate ideologically vetted propaganda copied verbatim from quasi-central sources. Sources? Great Reset water carriers like the New York Time, the Washington Post and the Associated Press.

What can Joe Sixpack do to help?

In the meantime, we must not pay today’s self-declared media mavens even the compliment of open criticism. Instead, we should resolve to insult them with our inattention. And laugh at their utter absurdity and irrelevance. It’s important to remember that today’s hubristic elitists in government and media hate ridicule most of all.

Meanwhile, in the real world where most of us live, real news now only comes from real people. Let’s resolve to comb the internet searching for more reporters, sites and outlets that consistently report the truth that’s supplied by a growing number of citizen journalists. Most importantly, let’s support them in word, deed and donations whenever we can.

We must continue to search for and support those rare beacons of objective truth even. And we must do so even as we cut the cable and ban CNN and old guard network news organizations from our hearts and minds forever.

— Terry Ponick contributed to this article.

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