Instagram set to remove daily time limit options

Instagram is said to be removing shorter daily time limit options from its app.

A report from the website TechCrunch shows that the social media platform is updating the settings, with the new options beginning at 30 minutes and lasting up to three hours.

Originally, Instagram users had been able to select a time limit as low as five minutes a day.

In screenshots from a user who had previously set a 10-minute daily limit, a notice now appears at the top of their feed that urges them to set a new daily limit in accordance with an app update.

Clicking the edit button takes the user to select a preset option, the lowest of which is 30 minutes. An additional popup reveals that the 10-minute value is "no longer supported".

The user claims that the Instagram app had sent reminders to alter the settings in recent weeks and the only way they were able to avoid picking a new limit was by force quitting the app.

Instagram first introduced the option to set daily time limits back in 2018, with company chiefs saying that they wanted time on the app to be spent wisely. The features were also rolled out as a response to critics who claims that the platforms were having a harmful effect on users.

Ameet Ranadive, who leads a user wellbeing team at Instagram, said at the time: "We want to empower people to make intentional decisions about how much time they spend, and how they want to engage with the app."

The daily time limit changes come after Instagram introduced the Take a Break feature, which sends reminders to users if they have been on the app continuously.

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