Oklahoma House Candidate Abby Broyles Apologizes For Berating Teens At Sleepover

Abby Broyles (Image: Broyles campaign)

Oklahoma Democratic House candidate Abby Broyles apologized for drunkenly lashing out at middle school girls at a Valentine’s Day weekend sleepover.

She initially denied the incident to Oklahoma News 4, but later said it was because she didn’t remember it happening. She explained her behavior was caused by drinking wine and having a bad reaction to taking sleep medication.

“Instead of helping me sleep, I hallucinated,” Broyles said in an interview with television station KFOR. “And I don’t remember anything until I woke up or came to, and I was throwing up in a hamper.”

Broyles had agreed to attend the sleepover at the request of a friend from law school, who was the mother of one of the young girls. Sources reported that Broyles had made comments on one of the girl’s acne and said something about another girl’s Hispanic ethnicity.

“First of all, I want to apologize to the families again, and for people who say I just blacked out and I’m making this up, you don’t know me. I would never ever say anything hurtful,” Boyles said in the interview.

“I never, ever would say something hurtful like those things. And that’s why I know I was not in my right mind. I know that that’s what happened because of that combination of things. And I deeply, deeply regret it,” she added.

Broyles said that the incident will not deter her from continuing her efforts to challenge Republican Rep. Stephanie Bice for a seat in the U.S. House.

“The things I’m accused to have said are not who I am. They’re not a reflection of my beliefs at all,” Broyles said. “It’s clear this media smear campaign is politically backed, and I won’t stop fighting for Oklahomans.”


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