FUK - I Received A Boom Statement - Investigators Intelligence - Pay Attention

In 2021, I download an app to make a phone call while I was abroad on vacation. I wasn’t able to connect with my contact via the phone app and instead was rerouted to some voice message stating I could leave a message with Specialist Boom.

3 weeks later, a building in Miami collapsed.

Well, this morning on/at/in/near 2022, Feb. 25, I went to Godlikeproductions and received a message regarding Sir Boom Boom

If you read any of my personally typed blogposts or even listen to my conversations, you’ll know that I’m a very serious kind of man who analyzes everything just sitting around or walking around or driving around. When I received a boom statement in 2021, I didn’t think anything of it until I googled who the hell is specialist boom. Then when the building collapsed 3 weeks later, I started being my aware of the things I hear and see and think about and read about and watch.

Here is the message thread where I received the Sir Boom Boom statement:

This is an old style Glp thread, covering all the breaking news all over the world but this is mostly for war doom. I miss Janey and Luisport but I’m going to try to have a Thread like theirs back in the good old days with Sir BOOM BOOM. The news I post is usually not confirmed and is just the first few things I see. If something is bullshit please, call me out or call someone else out, we need true fact checkers (not the ones from Facebook!!)

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who is helping me with the news. Its just me and my father on this account and there are some things I miss. I cant do it all. Posting news or even the same news from other sources is very much accepted and appreciated here.

Just remember, when shots are fired or something big breaks out please try to limit conversation and keep to the news. If you are one of those “never going to happen trolls” then you are NOT welcome here and you could be banned from posting. Moran’s like you are the same people that will say nothing will happen when a nuke drops in NYC.

We need forums like this because if something gets to the boiling point and then flickers into nothing, its still worth investigating and reporting. You can never be too informed.

Catalyst is now an admin so whatever he says goes when i’m not around.

If you cant see the twitter links that we are posting try this:

Go in to your browser, find and delete the twitter,com cookie and the www,twitter,com cookie, then select “never allow cookies from” and put in twitter,com and www,twitter,com.

Then you can lurk forever.

New rule on sirens:


One Siren: Important update


Two Sirens: Important update and keep close watch


Three sirens: Doom

Anything more than three is super doom

This is all im going to say and then ill put it to rest and I want everyone else to do the same. We do not ask for pins often. Sometimes we even tell mods and people to not pin us. The reason when we do ask to be pinned is when something big goes down or is going down. When that happens I like to be pinned so we can have as many people in here as possible posting news and checking if its bullshit or not. I have been banning the trolls and I also banned the Ac’s so this thread is allot more cleaner.

Again, thank you to all!

You have been warned multiple times. If you comment “nothing will happen” you will be banned. Even if nothing happens in the end I dont care. This is a news thread and we are all well informed. None of us wants to hear it.

*Last Edited by Kingzzor on 02/24/2022 06:29 AM
Jeremiah 29:11 “‘For I Know The Plans I Have For You’ Declares the Lord, ‘Plans to Prosper You and Not to Harm You, Plans to Give You Hope and a Future.*


I recommend people choose happiness and love and generosity and alertness and relax yourself.

I wish I was delusional, but I’ve been to mental health hospitals and courtrooms and jails and they tell me to get the hell out. There really are entites who are using high powered advanced equipment above the NSA and NASA and CIA and earth based agencies…why and need proof? A loving universe has many dimensions within each dimension and many layers within each layers.

I learned from Skey, Santos Bonnaci, Kate of Gaia, Dean, Gordon, Alexandra and the list goes on…When the clarion call of my soul rang out, I couldn’t look back at the old life.

My blog website was DOS Attacked after I published this blogpost in the past 7 days. ->this was the post-> https://www.automateking.com/investigators-and-forms-of-classification-of-investigations-by-intelligence-sss-automateking/

What is interesting through all of my posts and conversations is that, I really don’t care about stardom or fame….there is so much more to life and I have these conversations with people who hear my conversations and I tell them,

you will never see me on Forbes 500 or any other high-fluent website because I simply won’t.