The Meta metaverse is looking to innovate its audio aspect with these tools

The Meta group, formerly Facebook, is continuing to communicate about its metaverse plans. This time, Mark Zuckerberg, Meta's boss, unveiled the group's latest advances in artificial intelligence. And as the metaverse starts to take shape, it appears that audio has become one of the priorities for the American firm. A universal voice translator could even be a future reality. Here's what we know to date. 

Meta is advocating "inclusion through the power of speech and translation." Mark Zuckerberg's group wants to make the metaverse a space without borders and above all accessible to all. During the "Inside the Lab" event, the Facebook boss announced a series of projects on which the group is working to build its metaverse. Zuckerberg is looking to artificial intelligence to bring people together on a global scale.

The project would be made possible through a new tool in development: a universal voice translator that could allow any user to understand another web user even if they don't speak the same language. The AI tool should be able to instantly translate a word for "instantaneous speech-to-speech translation across all languages, even those that are mostly spoken," outlined the group. Meta sees this translator enabling nearly half of the world's population to access the internet in the language of their choice. 

Audio seems to be one of the key axes for Meta in its development of the metaverse. In addition to the automated voice translator, the American giant also wants to refine virtual assistants. A project that aims to enable more natural, fluid conversations with devices. 

Zuckerberg also presented his "Builder Bot," a tool capable of importing elements into a virtual world simply through a voice command. 

At a time when the Meta group is suffering from losses in the stock market and a series of scandals that have tainted the image of Facebook and Instagram, these AI developments mark positive momentum for the enterprise. 

© Agence France-Presse