Lisa Snowdon: 50 is the new 30

Lisa Snowdon believes "50 is the new 30".

The model celebrated her milestone birthday last month and she thinks people of her generation take "much better care" of themselves these days and understand the importance of "balance".

Asked the secret of looking good at 50, she told OK! magazine: "I think it's all about attitude - 50 is the new 30.

"Us ladies all take much better care of ourselves these days. We eat well, drink lots of water, get our exercise as well as good nutrition.

"I also take Correxiko collagen in a tablet and powder form every day, which is so good for the skin, hair and nails.

"I do find that life is about balance, being mostly disciplined but also having that glass of wine, or that delicious piece of chocolate or even a cheeky plate of fish and chips.

"I like the saying, 'A little bit of what you fancy does you good.' "

Lisa thinks the most important thing about growing older well is "laughter".

She added: "And finally, laughter - someone to laugh with is good for the soul."

And the brunette beauty gets frustrated when it is suggested age is a barrier to fashion.

She said: "I don't believe there's such a thing as dressing for your age - in fact I hate it when someone says, 'Oh, that's not age appropriate.'

"Rules are made to be broken. Why would you want to blend in? Have fun with fashion, it's about individuality, expressing yourself - go for those gorgeous prints, wear the strong colours.

"Just wear what you want to wear."

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