Dame Helen Mirren always hungry for egg and chips

Dame Helen Mirren's favourite meal is Spanish style egg and chips.

The 76-year-old actress may be able to dine at the world's best restaurants and afford the best ingredients money can but, but the meal that she craves the most is huevos rotos - which is a fried egg with a runny yolk broken over chips, and sometimes meat as well.

Helen orders the simple dish every time she is in Madrid, the capital city of Spain.

Speaking on BBC Radio 2, she spilled: "One of my favourite dishes, and this sounds very posh because I just had it in Madrid, because Madrid is where they do this dish really, really well, and what it is basically is fried egg with chips. What they do is they do the chips brilliantly well and then they break the fried egg up into the chips, but basically you've got egg and chips and that is my favourite dish in the world."

Mirren admits "not much of a cook" and says most of the meals she makes for herself and her husband, director Taylor Hackford involve her toasting bread and putting something on top.

'The Duke' star previously said: "I do an incredible baked beans on toast – really amazing. Marmite on toast, marmalade on toast, cheese on toast. My cheese on toast is excellent … No, I’m not much of a cook.

"I love food, I love to eat, but I’ve never been a great cook."

Although she is not a talented cook, Helen is a a very talented actress and at the SAG Awards on Sunday night (27.02.22) she was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Taking to the stage at Santa Monica's Barker Hangar to collect her gong, she said: "Lifetime achievement? It sounds so grand. I guess I am still alive, so I am eligible. But honestly, any achievement that I've succeeded in, is a result of my mantra, which is basically, be on time and don't be an a**."

She then quipped: "I hate to say the word 'sag' at my age, it's always S.A.G. for me."

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