Dee Snider Wants Ukrainians To Use “We’re Not Gonna Take It” As ‘Battle Cry’ Against Russians

NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 06: Dee Snider performs at the

Twisted Sister lead vocalist Dee Snider wrote a tweet in support of Ukrainians, and said that they should feel free to use his hit song “We’re Not Gonna Take It,” as a “battle cry.” Snider also revealed a personal connection to Ukraine in that he is descended from a Ukrainian in his grandfather.

Snider clapped back later at some anti-maskers who replied to his tweet complaining about him approving of the song’s use in this case but not others, calling the complaints of anti-maskers “infantile feet stomping against an inconvenience.” Snider responded to one video of anti-maskers blasting “We’re Not Gonna Take It” in a Florida Target store by calling them all “selfish assholes,” and made it clear he didn’t agree with their message.

The singer has been very active in approving or disproving the use of his songs for political causes, which is pretty admirable for an old-school rocker. A few years ago in 2018 and 2019, Snider approved of striking Oklahoma teachers and politicians advocating for pro-choice platforms using “We’re Not Gonna Take It” at their demonstrations. However, when the song was used in election campaigns for Republicans such as Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney and Donald Trump, Snider has requested teams from both that it not be used at their rallies.


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