Avril Lavigne: I'm really nice but I'm not a pushover

Avril Lavigne is glad she has a reputation as a "b****", because it means she isn't a "pushover".

The 37-year-old singer/songwriter insists she is "really nice", but she embraces being seen as a "stubborn and strong-willed and strong-minded" person, because then she doesn't get walked all over like a "doormat".

She said: "Honestly, a lot of people, when they meet me, [they] think I’m going to be a b****. I’m actually really nice. They’re always like, 'Oh, my God, you’re totally not what I was expecting.' People think I’m, like, whatever.

"I was weird, tough and strong. You [had to] stand up for yourself. You might come across as a b****, but I think being a b**** is a really good thing.

"I’m totally a f****** b****, and that’s a good thing. It means that you’re not a doormat. You’re not a pushover, and you speak your mind.

"I’m stubborn and strong-willed and strong-minded, and if I feel a certain way, I stick to it."

The 'Complicated' hitmaker admitted she has been "fighting" with record labels since she shot to fame following her 2002 debut album 'Let Go', and the star has always been "unapologetic" about what she wants, including when she used to take her own clothes to wear for photoshoots.

She told Alternative Press' Modern Icons Issue: "I’m constantly fighting. I’ve been fighting since day one to write my own songs. I had to fight my whole career to write the type of music I wanted to write.

"Sometimes labels would give me pushback and didn’t understand my vision. I had to always fight, and fight on each album to keep going in the musical direction I wanted to go, even if they’re trying to sway me another way.

"I’ve always been pretty good about keeping it real, and I’ve always been pretty unapologetic about it. It’s a different time now. But yeah, for sure. There were times at photoshoots [where] they’d want me to wear girly clothes, and I was super tomboy.

"When I came out with my first album, I was fighting with people. I brought a book bag, and I’d pull out my clothes.

"They’re like, 'You can’t wear your clothes. You have to wear what’s on the rack.' It’s a pink blouse. I’m not f****** wearing that s***!

"They would be like, 'Do you want to be on the cover or not?' I would have to fight a lot."

The full interview is available now in the Alternative Press' Modern Icons Issue.

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