Ukrainian streamers in Kharkiv seek shelter from Russian shelling during live stream


Ukrainian Twitch streamers BULOCHKA and alina_dln, who are reportedly sisters, were forced to seek shelter multiple times in the middle of their live stream on Wednesday, after multiple Russian shells could be heard impacting nearby their home. In clips captured from the stream, the two women can be seen quickly evacuating the room after blasts can be heard rocking their city of Kharkiv.

Despite the shelling, the two sisters continued to stream for over 5 hours on Wednesday. They sought shelter on multiple occasions during the stream, but left the stream up during those events, eventually returning a few minutes later in each case.

While many Ukrainians have chosen to shelter in their home cities, like these BULOCHKA and alina_dln, others have fled to western Ukraine. Multiple Ukrainian Apex Legends pros fled the capital of Kyiv earlier this week citing the invasion.

The stream discussed above took place during the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. The sisters reportedly live in Kharkiv, which is currently under siege by Russian forces who are attempting to control all the major cities in Ukraine.

While Russian forces initially were reported to be focused on military and strategic targets when it came to bombings and shellings, new reports have claimed that Russia is bombing civilian areas. Targetting civilian buildings is considered a war crime under international law, prompting the International Criminal Court to launch an investigation this week into alleged war crimes committed by Russia against Ukraine.

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