GOP Rep. Madison Cawthorn Charged With Driving With A Revoked License

Madison Cawthorn (Image: Madison Cawthorn campaign)

North Carolina Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R) was charged for driving with a revoked license after being pulled over last week. He also faces two pending speeding tickets.

The congressman was pulled over last Thursday while driving a 2019 Toyota truck in Cleveland Country, North Carolina after a state trooper saw his truck drifting over the centerline of the road. The citation also noted that the weather was clear and there was little traffic. It’s not clear why his license had been revoked, but the other two speeding citations occurred in two different counties.

In the first offense, Cawthorn was pulled over for driving 89 mph in a 65 mph zone in Buncombe Country. The second time the congressman was caught for speeding, he was going 87 mph in a 70 mph zone in Polk County.

Driving with a revoked license is a Class 3 misdemeanor in North Carolina and could cost the offender up to 20 days in jail, but a fine or probation are usually offered instead.

This is not the first time the representative has had his license revoked and still driven with it. In 2017, before being elected to Congress, Cawthorn was charged with driving with a revoked license but in the end, the charges were dismissed in Buncombe County, according to court records.

Cawthorn will head to court on Friday, May 6.


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