Keith Richards is feeling better than ever after lifestyle changes

Keith Richards is feeling better than ever after quitting smoking.

The 78-year-old Rolling Stones guitarist - who has always been known for his wild partying lifestyle - kicked his 55-year habit two years ago, and he admitted he felt the benefit during the legendary band's US tour in 2021.

Appearing on the 'WTF with Marc Maron' podcast, he said: "I didn't notice things until I started rehearsing for the tour last year and when I started working, I noticed I had more air in the lungs and in the voice."

Meanwhile, in May 2021 his bandmate Ronnie Wood revealed Keith had "quietly" decided to change his lifestyle and was "done and dusted" with alcohol.

Admitting the rest of the group - including frontman Sir Mick Jagger - were impressed by his efforts, he said: "Keith being in sobriety is something that we cannot even comprehend, but fingers crossed.

“I do believe in his quiet way he is indeed done and dusted and on the straight and narrow. I think he’s seen it in action.

“Something says, ‘I want some of that’.

“You can’t tell someone how to do it, though.”

Keith revealed in November 2020 that he'd stopped drinking and smoking but admitted it was a "tough" regime to stick to while spending so much time at home due to the coronavirus pandemic.

He said: "Now I’m a non-smoker and a non-drinker. It’s tough under these conditions but so far, so good.”

And the 77-year-old star has been staying as active as a man of his advanced years can.

He added: "We’ve got a little work-out room in the basement. I treadmill occasionally but I had no need to during the summer because I’ve got a big garden. I took walks and kept moving.

“Winter’s going to be a bit rough but with a bit of luck I might get out to the islands in January, to Parrot Cay in Turks and Caicos. I like to go south for the winter!”

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