Kurt Zouma's brother Yoan charged by RSPCA for cat kicking video

Kurt Zouma's brother Yoan has been charged by the RSPCA after the footballer was filmed kicking his pet cat.

Yoan filmed the disturbing footage of the West Ham defender slapping and kicking the feline last month and was suspended by his own team Dagenham and Redbridge as a result.

The National League club has released a statement regarding the charge after welcoming Yoan, 23, back from suspension earlier this month.

The statement reads: "Whilst Yoan continues to fully co-operate with the RSPCA, as this matter has now progressed further, Dagenham and Redbridge FC feel it is no longer appropriate for either Yoan or the club to make any further statement.

"Dagenham Redbridge FC maintain their position in that the Club continues to condemn all animal cruelty.

"Since the allegation, and whilst investigations were taking place, Dagenham and Redbridge FC took the decision that Yoan should not play football for the Club.

"Four weeks have now elapsed however since the incident, and the Club feels that any further suspension from the team would be detrimental to both the Club and Yoan.

"A decision has been made therefore for Yoan to be available to play.

"The Club reserves the right to take further action if deemed necessary after conclusion of the Court proceedings."

Kurt was fined £250,000 by West Ham after the incident – which took place at his mansion in Essex – and issued a grovelling apology in the wake of the controversy.

The 27-year-old sports star said: "I want to apologise for my actions. There are no excuses for my behaviour, which I sincerely regret."

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