Ginni Thomas, Wife Of Justice Clarence Thomas, Admits Attending Jan. 6 Rally Before Capitol Riot

WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 26: Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas attends the ceremonial swearing-in ceremony for Amy Coney Barrett to be the U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice on the South Lawn of the White House October 26, 2020...

Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, has admitted that she attended the January 6 “Stop the Steal” rally before the Capitol riot but insisted that her attendance does not create a conflict of interest for her husband.

In an interview with The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website, Thomas said that she had attended the rally, but had no part in organizing it. She also left early, before former President Donald Trump spoke because she was cold.

Thomas acknowledged that while she and her husband “share many of the same ideals, principles and aspirations for America… we have our own separate careers, and our own ideas and opinions too. We don’t discuss Supreme Court cases until [the court’s] opinion are public – and even then, our discussions have always been very general and limited to public information.”

“I was disappointed and frustrated that there was violence that happened following a peaceful gathering of Trump supporters on the Ellipse,” she added.

Thomas also put to rest rumors that she had paid for or arranged buses for January 6 protestors. She confirmed that she had no part in leading the rally.

Thomas gave the interview in response to recent articles from the New York Times and the New Yorker suggesting that Justice Thomas should recuse himself from cases that deal with issues his wife has been involved in. She has been known to support Trump and has spoken out against the Affordable Care Act. She also heads Liberty Consulting, a political lobbying company, which she will continue to do.

“If you are going to be true to yourself and your professional calling, you can never be intimidated, chilled or censored by what the press or others say,” she said.


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