Paralyzed streamer RockyNoHands hits Diamond 3 in Apex Legends

Luminosity streamer Rocky “RockyNoHands” Stoutenburgh reached Diamond rank in Apex Legends using only his mouth.

RockyNoHands is paralyzed from the neck down, meaning he has to play video games a bit differently than most people. He uses a device that requires different mouth and tongue movements to control his movements in-game. Despite this challenge, RockyNoHands just reached Diamond in Apex Legends, a task that many battle royale players find very difficult to do.

RockyNoHands shared the momentous accomplishment on Twitter, informing his followers that he hit Diamond 3 today with his mouth controller. He did it during a Twitch stream where he celebrated the moment with his fans.

Diamond III is a huge milestone for Apex Legends players. It’s basically considered the rank one must reach to prove they are a top-level player. Reaching it while paralyzed is an even more amazing proof of a player’s skill. The bar of competition has been raised over the last year, with Apex becoming one of the most-watched games on Twitch.

It took him a while to master using the unique controller. It has three different holes he puffs into and then a lip trigger on the bottom.

“You have to play smarter, not harder,” RockyNoHands has said about his playstyle in the past.

Who is RockyNoHands?

In 2006, RockyNoHands got dropped on his head and broke his neck. He instantly realized he couldn’t move his legs. Since then, he has been paralyzed from the chest down.

Before being paralyzed, RockyNoHands loved playing hockey and helping his grandpa with cars. Going from being a “hands-on guy” to paralyzed was a hard transition for Rocky but he decided to find a new passion.

When he first heard about the QuadStick he wasn’t really interested but his friend convinced him to try it out in Halo Wars. He moved on to Call of Duty and began to realize he was really good at playing.

Now, RockyNoHands has over 70K followers on Twitch and streams for Luminosity. He has mastered a variety of games, including Fortnite, PUBG, and Apex Legends, making him the best QuadStick user in the world. He even is recognized in the Guinness World Records for his eliminations and victories in Fortnite.

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