Justin Bieber Show Pauses Due To Backstage Electrical Fire

Justin Bieber (Image: Getty)

During a concert at the Ball Arena in Denver, Justin Bieber had to take an unplanned break after his video monitors and lights went dead a few songs into his set. Tour producers said  an electrical fire backstage caused the power outage, but they were able to continue with minimal effects using backup power.

Bieber stopped his concert, which is part of the Justice World Tour in the middle of performing one of his recent singles “Yummy.” All the electric stage effects shut down with just pyrotechnics going off. The singer sat towards the side of the stage while the crew worked to get things rolling again.

In a video uploaded to Twitter, Bieber also took a moment to joke around on stage and mention his wife Hailey‘s recent hospitalization. He said, “she’s okay she’s, good … but it’s been scary.” He reportedly resumed his set about a half-hour after the black-out without the video screen or most of the lighting accompanying him.

The backstage fire apparently caused a power outage that darkened the whole city block. The fire department even came to help put it out. Luckily, the venue had a backup power generator to get the show running in some form, though it may have been disappointing for some fans that shelled out plenty of money for the show which has been hit by numerous delays related to Covid-19.



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