Peyton Manning Says He Wants Tom Brady’s Retirement Present Back

Peyton Manning (Image: Getty)

Tom Brady received a hero’s sendoff—and rightfully so—in February when he announced his retirement from the NFL. Well, now that the seven-time Super Bowl winner reneged and plans to suit up again one familiar face wants justice.

“I want the letter back,” Hall of Fame quarterback Peyton Manning said. “You got to read all these nice things, I want it back. I want the bottle of wine back, too.”

Manning, Brady’s longtime rival, is known for his sense of humor—in addition to throwing a tight spiral, of course. So it’s safe to assume he was joking here. Plus, the laughter after he said it is a dead giveaway.

The comments came Saturday at an event hosted by The MINT Collective. Manning said that he wrote Brady a two-page letter following the fugazi retirement and paired it with the bottle of wine.

It’s unclear if Manning will pen another letter and send another bottle of vino once the 44-year-old’s career actually ends.

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