"The objective is to win": Hungrybox speaks on controversial long match against lloD

iBDW's online Super Smash Bros. Melee tournament, GIGASCHWAB 3, made waves across Twitter due to it having the longest grand finals match in history. The best-of-five went on for 1 hour and 20 minutes, breaking records and causing a lot of controversy in the Smash community.

lloD and Hungrybox faced off in the finals, meaning it was a Peach and Jigglypuff battle that was already assumed to be a tough one before it began. But nobody could have predicted just how insane the match truly would get. lloD won in the end but the victory didn't come without some incredibly difficult challenges and a soured aftermath.

lloD tweeted soon after the victory that he was glad so many Smash players watched the grand finals so they could see how "abysmal" the matchup really is. But what really got the community talking was lloD's opinion that Jigglypuff should auto-lose all timeouts. He was clearly frustrated that Hungrybox had spent so much time "camping" during the match.

When asked why Jigglypuff should auto-lose a timeout when most Melee characters can deal with the camping tactic, lloD said: "Would make the game more interactive. The current ruleset lets Puff abuse the timer by not interacting which is very unhealthy for the metagame."

Other Smash players replied that lloD was just salty that the matchup was hard. Others felt that he shouldn't demand such a dramatic ruleset change when he won anyway, proving that it's not impossible to beat a camping Jjigglypuff. Some even pointed out that lloD chose to play Peach and the ruleset shouldn't change for his issues with Jigglypuff specifically.

Hungrybox himself was just tired.

Hungrybox told Inven Global that he has been "losing a good bit" recently and wanted to change up his playstyle and approach to the game. Hungrybox concluded that the new playstyle was successful but also quite stressful for him. Still, it was a valid strategy.

"The objective is to win given the rules of the tourney — as long as you do that then, in my eyes, you've earned a win," Hungrybox told me. "Melee is a very difficult game. Given 20 years, people are doing whatever it takes to win."

As the discussion continued on Twitter, lloD tweeted that he was "done arguing" about the ruleset change he initially proposed. He still urged TOs to consider trying out the rule against Jigglypuff but to avoid lowering the timer. This is a topic that lloD has ranted about before.

It seemed like Leffen may even agree with lloD on the matter. Leffen replied to lloD's final tweet on the subject by saying that everyone who is upset about Jigglypuff getting nerfed should also want wobbling to be legal, hinting they are being hypocrites.

So far, iBDW nor any other TO in the Smash scene has stated that they will make any such changes to the ruleset.

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