How e-bike purchases are being encouraged in Colorado

Colorado's capital city, Denver, recently introduced incentives for the purchase of an electric bike or cargo bike. They form part of a broader rebate program aimed at combating climate change.

From now on, rebates of $400 to $1,200 will be offered for the purchase of an electric bike, depending on the buyer's income. Absolutely all types of electric bikes are covered by this offer, including cargo bikes.

To take advantage of this offer, individuals must be at least 16 years old and have an income below 60% of the median income of the State of Colorado. The rebate will then be granted at the level of one electric bike per person, with no minimum or maximum purchase price, although the rebate can obviously not exceed the price of the bike in question.

Note that Democrats in Colorado's legislature have now proposed dedicating $12 million to electric bike subsidies in next year's budget for the State. The State of Colorado also recently approved a bill allowing cyclists to run red lights. The idea is that they should stop, like everyone else, at a red light, but can then set off again as soon as they have given way to any vehicles and pedestrians present -- even if the light is still red. This law aims to cut the risk of collision by reducing the number of interactions between motorists and cyclists at intersections.


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