Boeing: Trump's Air Force One was a risk 'not worth taking'

Trump's Air Force One was a risk 'not worth taking', according to the CEO for Boeing.

The air manufacturer signed a deal with former U.S President Donald Trump back in 2018 to administration two 747 jumbo jets to serve as Air Force One but current Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun has claimed that it was a "risk probably not worth taking" after the company lost $1.1 billion.

He said: "Air Force One I’m just gonna call a very unique moment, a very unique negotiation, a very unique set of risks that Boeing probably shouldn’t have taken, but we are where we are and we’re going to deliver great airplanes. And we’re gonna recognize the cost associated with it."

The manufacturing giant had initially signed a deal worth $3.9 billion with the then-President as part of a fixed term contract which meant that Boeing would be paid the same for a project no matter what costs and therefore run the risk of ultimately losing money.

According to CNBC, the company posted a net loss of $1.2 billion in the first quarter - which was wider than the $561 million loss it posted the year before - and the boss went onto insist that the company will continue to "deliver great airplanes" and acknowledge their losses as they look to the future./

During a Q1 2022 The Boeing Company Earnings Conference Call on Wednesday (27.04.22), he said: "But we are where we are, and we’re going to deliver great airplanes. And we’re going to recognize the costs associated with it."

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