3 Takeaways From Ohio Primary Elections

1. Trump’s endorsement still matters.

On April 15, former president Trump endorsed JD Vance in the Ohio Primary Elections. “It is time for the entire MAGA movement, the greatest in the history of our Country, to unite behind JD’s campaign,” said Trump adding that JC Vance will “put America first.”

If Trump-endorsed candidates keep winning—as JD Vance did in Ohio Primary Elections on May 3, 2022— it will be very hard to deny Trump’s Republican nomination in the presidential election 2024.

If Trump kicks Liz Cheney out, we may as well see him going all the way to the Oval the second time around.

2. It is not about what NeverTrumpers, MSM, and Democrats want, it is about what Republican voters want.

Joe Walsh, a former Republican, admitted that The Republican Party is Trump’s party. “I’m tired of NeverTrumpers going on CNN/MSNBC to say that ain’t so,” he said. Walsh said that he supports democracy and that Vance “does not.”. He concluded by inviting Ohio voters to elect Tim Ryan in November.

3. Republican voters are resistant to mainstream media messaging.

JD Vance ( Photo: JD Vance campaign)

In his victory speech, JD Vance expressed his gratitude to Donald Trump for backing him up. He said that the press “wanted to write a story that this campaign would be the death of America First agenda.”

“Ten of millions of RINO dollars spent to stop my man JD Vance in Ohio and they call it before 9 o’clock,” said Don Jr. on Twitter.

“The Republican Party,” NeverTrumper Bill Kristol expressed his disappointment in Vance’s victory.

Matt Gaetz reacted to JD Vance’s victory by congratulating him and posting an image with Marjorie Taylor Green from the campaign trail.

“Not tired of winning,” said Gaetz.