Death Prophet, Tiny, Necro get big nerfs before Stockholm Major

The Stockholm Major is just days away but that didn’t stop Valve from shipping a significant Dota 2 patch, giving fans version 7.31c.

After weeks of fan and pro requests, Valve has issued an emergency balance patch just days before the $500,000 Stockholm Major. This patch 7.31c nerfed the top tier of heroes including Tiny and Medusa while also tempering some of the neutral abilities. A few unpopular heroes also got considerable buffs, which could result in them appearing on the main stage.

The patch comes out just eight days before the start of a Dota Pro Circuit Major. Valve usually gives pros a few weeks to a month to explore the new patch, but now teams will have to develop strategies on the fly. The Stockholm Major will be a true test of pro Dota 2 players’ ability to adapt.

The winners and losers of the7.31c Stockholm Major patch

7.31c unsurprisingly nerfed several of the most popular pub and pro heroes. The biggest nerf in this patch is aimed at Death Prophet, who received major nerfs to both Spirit Siphon and Exorcism. The former now drains much less health per second at early levels. Her ghastly ultimate now deals only 50% damage to structures, which greatly limits her strength as a split-pusher.

Other big nerfs are aimed at Tiny, Medusa, and Necrophos. Tiny’s talents were shuffled around to delay his power spike and his tree damage is now weaker, especially against buildings. Medusa’s Split Shot now deals even less damage and Stone Gaze costs 50% more mana. As for Necrophos, his permanent regen from Reaper’s Scythe is cut by 50% while his Shard ability got a longer cooldown.

All three heroes were expected to dominate at the Stockholm Major, but now they’re much more reasonable thanks to the update. Though Primal Beast is not pickable in captain’s mode, pub grinders will be glad to learn that almost three of his four abilities got heavily nerfed.

As for buffs, Valve made the wise choice to stay conservative right before a DPC Major. Slark got damage and mana cost improvements for Dark Pact while his natural counter Bloodseeker got an Aghanim’s Shard tuneup. Nyx Assassin’s Impale is slightly wider with a reduced mana cost. Enigma’s trademark Eidolons offer enemies less gold.

While Witch Doctor has only one patch note, it’s enough to potentially make a splash at the Stockholm Major. Maledict’s damage over time was increased from 7 per second to 12 at level one. It eventually scales even higher than before at 32 instead of 30. That’s enough to keep it at level one, which will let him put early points into Voodoo Restoration. Witch Doctor could become a pocket pick for some teams after such a big buff.

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