Liam Gallagher blasts cancel culture 'squares'

Liam Gallagher has branded people involved in cancel culture as "f****** squares".

The former Oasis rocker has hit out at certain social media campaigns and insisted they should "f*** off" unless they can back themselves up in person.

Speaking on the '2 Johnnies Podcast', he ranted: "Who the f*** are these people cancelling you, anyway? Like, f*** off.

"Unless they come around to your house and say you're cancelled. You're still going to do your f****** thing, they don't speak for everyone, do they?

"The cancelling people just speak for the cancelled world, they don't f****** speak for everyone.

"You can still go and do your gig, there are people out there who are going to like what you've got to say. Bring it f****** on you f****** squares!"

The 'Wonderwall' rocker also shrugged off the idea he's the last great rock star, insisting that would be a "f****** sad" state of affairs.

He said: "I hear that all the time but you can't be, there's got to be someone on the way up now.

"I just think this world now, the world we're living in, there's a lot of people out there who are scared to say what they want, I'm sure they'd get cancelled and all that tackle.

"I'd hate to think I was the last rock star, 'cause that's just f****** sad."

Meanwhile, the 49-year-old star - whose new album 'C'Mon You Know' drops this month - also called out "pretentious" bands for taking themselves too seriously.

He added: "I have got a problem with a lot of these bands today who go, 'I'm an artist'. No you're f****** not, you're a geezer in a band so shut the f*** up.

"They're all a bit pretentious, they're all talking about the artistry, behave men. 'Come to my show'. It's a gig man."

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