Facebook users warned that New Profile Pic app could be sending data to Russia

Facebook users have been warned that the New Profile Pic app could have links to Russia.

The app - which is said to have been registered in Russia - has seen hundreds of thousands of Facebook users upload their pictures onto the server and transform them into a portrait-like avatar, but a Cybersecurity expert has said that it is "likely" to be a way of capturing face data in high definition.

Russia launched an ongoing military invasion on neighbouring country Ukraine back in February 2022 and Global Cyber Security Advisor Jake Moore would "question" the amount of data being sent to such an "unheard" of company in the warring country.

Jake Moore, Global Cybersecurity Advisor, ESET Internet Security told MailOnline: "This app is likely a way of capturing people's faces in high resolution and I would question any app wanting this amount of data, especially one which is largely unheard of and based in another country."

The company behind the app is Linerock Investments Ltd,, which - according to leaked documents - is registered in Russia's capital city of Moscow.

The company's data policy states 'we collect certain personal information that you voluntarily provide to us. We collect your name, email address, user name, social network information and other information you provide when you register."

The viral app is currently number one in photos on the iOS Apple app store and has been rated 25,000 times on Android's Google Play store.

A description of the app reads: "The NewProfilePic app lets you change your user image style as often as you want. Dare to be different, with a profile pic that reflects your current mood or state of mind. Impress your friends on social media and keep them interested in what's coming next!"

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