Bruce Springsteen will announce ... something on May 24

Bruce Springsteen posted this image to social media, May 23.

(*PDATE: Announcement has been made and info available here.)*

Bruce Springsteen posted a short video to social media today of him and the E Street Band performing “Born in the USA,” with the words “May 24, 2022,” at the end. The clear implication is that he will announce something on the site — and, presumably, other outlets — on that date.

Fans are hoping for that something to be concert dates. Or it could be the upcoming release of a new album, which also be very welcome news.

The appearance of the E Street Band in the video implies that it will be a band project and not a solo album and/or tour. And that mere fact that he did this kind of pre-announcement suggests that he and his management think this will be something of major interest to his fans.

The use of the song “Born in the USA” could be a hint that the announcement will be of a deluxe re-release of Springsteen’s Born in the USA album, which would follow the deluxe re-releases of Born to Run, Darkness on the Edge of Town and The River. But the glimpses of Jake Clemons and Charles Giordano in the video — both musicians did not begin backing Springsteen until well after the Born in the USA Era — would suggest that the announcement has to do with a tour (or both an album and a tour), and not just an archival release.

We’ll find out May 24.

(*PDATE:* SiriusXM host[ Jim Rotolo]( has posted on social media “Listen to E Street Radio tomorrow at 9 am ET 6 am PT [@SIRIUSXM ](,” which presumably means the news will be announced then, either exclusively on SiriusXM or more widely.)

Springsteen’s last album was Letter to You, in 2020. His last tour with the E Street Band was in 2016 and 2017, though he presented “Springsteen on Broadway” shows in 2017, 2018 and 2021.

Here is the 15-second video:


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