Fortnite community begs Epic to ban competitive player for threatening violence against black people

▲ Image via Epic Games

Competitive Fortnite player Sin is under fire for a recent video he posted that has come off not only racist but potentially violent.

Sin recently qualified for the Fortnite Championship Series Grand Finals but his achievement was heavily overshadowed by a recent video in which he showed off a massive gun and ammo collection, saying he's stocked it up "in case there's ever a zombie apocalypse or a n—r outbreak, we got the armory, n—."

After facing backlash from members of+ the Fortnite community, Sin decided to respond from a since-deleted Twitter account, doubling down on his behavior. In the tweet from his alleged account, Sin admitted it was him in the video but didn't feel it should have received the negative response it did.

"I don't understand why everyone is so mad," Sin tweeted. "I literally said 'IF there is ever a zombie apocalypse or n—r outbreak then we got the armory, n—.' I never threatened anyone or said I'm gonna do anything. Everyone watch the clip and listen to what I said," in addition to other racist remarks.

Some people who have interacted with Sins also shared screenshots of the Fortnite player continuing to stand up for himself and his racist video.

Sin being oblivious to the issues with the initial video had everyone even more concerned with him participating in the FNCS. Many within the gaming community are urging Epic Games to respond to the situation with a permanent ban.

"Fortnite, I'm begging you and urging you, take action against Sin," one player pleaded. "Ban him from the game. If players can get warnings for s— talking on social media, what are you gonna do about a kid saying he got guns for an N-word outbreak?"

Indeed, the Epic Games Community Rules state that Epic will not tolerate "any form" of hate or discrimination. This includes demeaning, marginalizing, and using hateful language against other users or groups.

So far, Epic Games and the competitive Fortnite team have not responded to the pleas for Sin to get banned from the game and tournaments. This story is still developing and we will continue to update it accordingly.

For now, some members of the Fortnite community have expressed fear over people like Sin being competing and spreading hate around a game full of impressionable youth. With racist rhetoric online leading to IRL tragedies across the nation, it's no surprise that some want the FBI involved with Sin's situation.

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