Madonna weeps over America's latest gun massacre

Madonna has wept over America’s latest school shooting massacre and pleaded with law makers to "pass gun reform now".

The mum-of-six, 63, shared a video of herself crying alongside a lengthy post about firearms laws on Wednesday (25.05.22), a day after Salvador Ramos, 18, murdered 19 young children at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.

Madonna – notorious for gun stunts in photoshoots and videos – said in her Instagram post: “I cannot imagine the heartache and heartbreak the parents of these 19 Children must feel.

“I have children in elementary school and if they did not come home from school one day I don't think I could survive.”

She posted it with sections of a music video from 'God Control', from Madonna’s 2019 'Madame X' album.

The original video featured scenes of a nightclub where a shooting takes place.

Madonna also raged about how an 18-year-old boy could “purchase 2 automatic Rifles on his birthday with no background check, no safety training, no questions asked????? (sic)"

Madonna ranted: “The NRA (National Rifle Association) refuses to change its position and legislation cannot get one bill passed that requires tougher fire arm safety laws. In spite of the fact that there have been more gun deaths in America than there are days in this year. How is this possible???

“We need to Insist on mandatory training for gun owners, the same way we require people to study and pass a test to get a drivers license.

“A car is a Potential weapon if not used properly. So is a Gun!!! Hasn't anyone Drawn this correlation? If we Cant change the constitution we must Beg Law makers to pass Gun Reform NOW!!

“How tragic is it that we have to Beg to keep all children — All humans Safe from Gun Violence?? No more words action only. (sic)"

Madonna, born Madonna Louise Ciccone, has nine-year-old adopted twins Stella and Estere, as well as 16-year olds Mercy and David, also adopted.

She has daughter Lourdes, 25, with ex-Carlos Leon, 55, and a son Rocco, 21, from her marriage to ex-husband Guy Ritchie, 53.

Before being killed by law enforcement, gunman Ramos shot and killed 19 young children, two teachers and wounded 17 others, in what is the third-deadliest school shooting in America after the massacres at Virginia Tech in 2007 and 2012’s Sandy Hook Elementary.

Madonna is the latest celebrity to call for tighter gun laws and training in the US, including Matthew McConaughey, 52, Selena Gomez , 29, and Taylor Swift, 32.

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