[MSI 2022] RNG Bin: "Zeus was the most impressive top laner at this MSI."

On May 27, in the 2022 Mid-Season Invitational, Royal Never Give Up took down Evil Geniuses without breaking a sweat. The series was over within three games as Royal Never Give Up advanced to the finals, where they will face the winner of T1 vs. G2 Esports tomorrow. After the match, Royal Never Give Up spoke to the gathered media at their press conference.

(To Bin) You joined RNG this season, who are the reigning Spring Split and MSI champions, and everyone but you had played together before. Did you feel any pressure?

Bin: To be honest, I didn’t have much pressure. I thought I should focus on my own game and study the opponent players. Since we played online, it wasn't too different from scrims.

(To Xiaohu) You played several games against jojopyun. What do you think about his performance? What are his pros and cons?

Xiaohu: I think maybe for jojopyun, there are still some parts he could improve on. His strengths are that he’s still young and is a rookie, so there’s much more time for him to make improvements.

(To Xiaohu) You had to play all the matches online. Were there any difficulties in playing?

Xiaohu: We played the LPL spring finals online as well, so it wasn't too difficult. It's just unfortunate that we weren't able to feel the passion of the fans at the scene.

(To GALA) What was different for you from playing in DMO, your previous team to your current team?

GALA: To be honest, I don’t feel so many changes. The only change was that I changed to a new team. I just do the same practice, so I don’t feel any changes myself.

(To Wei) You attacked the top lane very frequently in today’s match. What was the reason?

Wei: I think the two top laners played quite aggressively, so I wanted to seek more opportunities in ganks and counter-ganks in the games.

(To Xiaohu) As you now will defend your title from MSI 2021, do you feel this version of RNG is stronger than last year's, or is anything still missing to match its overall performance?

Xiaohu: Last year, we tried to put more attention to the team synergy. This year, we like to put more attention to the laning phase to make snowballs from the early game.

(To Wei and Bin) You are two days away from playing the final against whoever wins tomorrow. How do you feel about not being able to play it in Korea and possibly lift the cup on stage?

Wei: For the final, I’d like to focus on our own performance, no matter who we face. I think we can’t go to Korea for MSI because we have to follow the quarantine measures.

Bin: I feel a bit pity because it’s my first MSI but we can only play in the training room, so I feel a bit pity about this part.

(To Ming) Who do you think will be your finals opponent, G2 or T1?

Ming: I think maybe T1, because T1 is a well-rounded team.

(To Kenzhu) Who is your prediction to win tomorrow, G2 or T1 and why?

Kenzhu: I feel both teams have potential to win tomorrow’s matchup. Maybe T1 is the better team, but if G2 make some accidents through unique picks, they might win. I hope G2 have some interesting picks.

(To Ming) Last year, you won the MSI. Do you feel pressured to win again this year?

Ming: In fact, I don’t feel pressure, because we have to keep a sound mind. Since my goal is to win Worlds this year, we need to keep our 100%.

(To Bin) Who was the most impressive top laner at this MSI?

Bin: Zeus was the most impressive top laner at this MSI because I got solo-killed by him twice.

(To Xiaohu) In the previous EG press conference, they mentioned that you were the key player who gave them the most pressure. What do you think about that? And who do you think will win between G2 and T1?

Xiaohu: I really appreciate the answer from EG for they recognized my performance. I agree with what our coach said. T1 has a better chance of getting the win, but if G2 pulls out some weird picks, they will make the game very interesting.

(To GALA) Do you feel G2 and T1’s bot lanes are still a threat to you?

GALA: I think T1’s bot lane is the stronger bot lane. For G2, their interesting strategy could be their strength.

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