Ruby Barker discharged from hospital

Ruby Barker has been discharged from hospital after receiving treatment for mental health issues.

The 'Bridgerton' star took to Instagram to tell fans she has "come out of the other side" and she has urged her supporters to take care of themselves.

She wrote: "I’ve been discharged from hospital! Thank you so much for the support, I can’t wait for the future and I feel as if I’ve came out the other side. Thank you everyone, have a blessed day. take care of yourselves, don’t be afraid to check in with your loved ones and we’re all in this together as they say in High School Musical. big big love (sic)"

Ruby also admitted she would reassure her younger self that it's "not all doom and gloom" even if you "hit rock bottom".

Speaking in a video shared on her page, she said: "I can't wait for the future. I'm doing OK for myself. I'm in a beautiful environment right now to take some time to myself and relax and breathe.

"Getting outdoors, going for walks, speaking to loved ones, trying not to ostracize yourself, that's a really big step.

"If I have any advice for my younger self, I would just tell myself, 'Listen, it's not all doom and gloom, even when you hit rock bottom.' "

Last week, Ruby revealed she was in hospital after she had been "struggling", and she encouraged others who feel the same to "take a break".

She said in a video: "I am better. I just want to be honest with everybody, I have been struggling. So, I'm in the hospital at the minute, I'm gonna get discharged soon and hopefully get to continue with my life and I'm gonna take a little bit of a break from myself.

"And I want to encourage others, if you are struggling, please do yourself a favour. Take a break, stop being so hard on yourself. And people used to always tell me not to be so hard on myself, and I never really, really knew what that meant."

The 25-year-old actress - who declined to share her diagnosis - vowed to "change" because she was "rage-filled, frustrated, angry" before seeing help for the "intergenerational trauma bundled up inside".

She added: "I was carrying the weight of the world on my back.

"And now, I'm at a point where I have a diagnosis, and I will talk to you about that at another time. But I have a diagnosis, and I am relinquishing myself and forgiving myself and drawing a line in the sand. I can't carry on the way that I've been carrying on. I need to change. So, that's what I'm trying to do."

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