Ofcom warns social media networks to put user safety first over revenue

Media regulator Ofcom's Chief Executive says tech firms are not doing enough to protect women online.

Dame Melanie Dawes has accused tech giants of prioritising revenue over the safety of their users, after a damming report revealed women are more likely to become the victim of bullying on social media platforms and see harmful content than men.

Just 42 per cent of the women surveyed said they feel they are able to speak without getting a backlash on sites such as Twitter and Instagram.

Ofcom is getting a new role as the regulator of social media platforms for the UK's government's Online Harms Bill, which is threatening to sites that do not take down hateful content.

The report also found that only 21 per cent people of the 6,600 adults who took part in the survey had such content removed when they asked social media networks.

Dawes told the BBC: "Look at your algorithms. Too many companies prioritise growth and revenue over user safety and don't actually think about the impact on the front-line user.

"Let's speak to women and make it easier for them to report things. At the moment people don't trust that if they do report things anything will be done."

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