Boris Johnson wants to boost home ownership in Britain

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to boost home ownership in Britain by extending the right-to-buy policy to allow more housing association tenants to buy their own homes.

The plan of the UK government is designed to enable lower-paid workers to use their housing benefits to obtain home mortgages.

To re-set his role as a Conservative leader and the Prime Minister, Johnson will pledge today to cut costs in every area of household expenditure in a major speech on tackling the cost of living.

Labour’s s Lisa Nandy told BBC Radio 4 what parts of Johnson’s housing announcement she disagrees with.

Well, I think this was first announced by the government in the 2015 manifesto. And by our reckoning, they’ve announced it every year since it’s not the principle of trying to reduce the Housing Benefit bill by giving people far greater security over their own home that anybody disagrees with. It’s the practicalities, as you said, it’s whether the government is thought through whether this scheme can work, how many people it can actually help, whether in fact, this helps to solve or alleviate the housing crisis for many people or whether it actually makes it worse. And I think on all those measures at the moment, there are big outstanding questions from the government. But they don’t seem to be able to answer.

MP Lisa Nandy [BBC Radio 4]

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