[PNC 2022] Team UK take the lead with five matches left in the tournament

The second half of the 2022 PUBG Nations Cup began on June 18. Day 3 matches were the same as the first day — three matches on Erangel and two matches on Miramar. While Team Brazil was quite ahead, Team UK and Team Finland were chasing close as the teams headed into Match 11.

The circles in PNC 2022 continued to jump drastically as the first circle for Match 11 was another Shooting Range circle. This led to an early elimination of Team Indonesia, as they were ambushed by Team China while trying to settle at the crash site. The following circles were placed south of Severny.

Team Canada, who had a roster change prior to today’s matches, had secured the best complex. However, they weren’t able to defend their base as several teams came barging in. Meanwhile, Team UK came down from the north, maintaining their entire squad as they finished off the remainder of the survivors of the other teams to collect the win.

Match 12 was a farm circle, which is one of the most interesting safe zones in Erangel. Teams that took their initial spots within the farm area had a good game, as not only did they survive but also took several kills in the game. Following their WWCD in Match 11, Team UK had a good run, collecting nine additional kills. However, they weren’t able to defeat Team USA’s final contest and were eliminated in 3rd place. After Team UK were eliminated, it was all Team USA as they had the center circle and an advantageous position. Team USA used their position to finish off Team Thailand’s final three members and gained the chicken dinner.

Another Mylta/Mylta Power circle came to Match 13, and this time, it included a lot of water. The circles became quite obvious, and teams fought to secure a good spot to fight in. Most of the teams lost their squad members on the way in, and there weren’t many full squads left in the first half. Team Vietnam and Team Brazil were blessed by the circle as their complexes were included in the Phase 6 circle. Team UK squeezed in two members as Team Vietnam and Team Brazil clashed, but were perished by the circle.

In the end, it was Team Brazil again, winning their fourth chicken dinner of the tournament, as they shut down Team Vietnam’s remaining members. Team Brazil returned to the top of the leaderboard through the points they collected, with the same number of points as Team UK.

Moving over to Miramar, the Phase 1 circle for Match 14 was formed around Chumacera. Team Brazil and Team Korea placed themselves near the center of the circle, and stayed there. Team UK again had a great game, as they collected 11 kills and made it to the top 4, but they lost too many members. Team Korea only had one left, but they managed to take down Team UK first.

It was a 4v4v1 among Team Thailand, Team Brazil, and Team Korea. In the triangle fight, Team Thailand and Team Brazil struck blood first, as they ran into each other with full power. Team Thailand managed to eliminate Team Brazil, with one standing and one knocked out. Knowing only one man was standing, Team Korea blitzed Team Thailand, but it wasn’t enough. Team Thailand took their first chicken dinner of the tournament in front of their home crowd.

The Los Leones circle in Match 15 foretold a slugfest. Team Brazil was the first to get eliminated as they picked a bad fight against Team Indonesia. As the circle caved in towards downtown Los Leones, the players started to pick up shotguns for maximum infighting capability. Meanwhile, Team Vietnam secured the top of the construction sites and shot down from above. The final three teams left were the three eastern Asian countries in China, Japan, and Korea. While Team Korea was eliminated first, Team China went on a 2v1 against Team Japan’s Kein, but Kein turned out to be a shotgun master as he took both of the Chinese members down to give Team Japan the second win of the tournament.

At the end of the day, Team UK took the lead with 160 points. Team Brazil followed closely with 151 points, Team Vietnam and Team Korea came next with 120 points, and Team Finland placed 5th with 117 points.

Team UK Alex "vard" Gouge was interviewed on the broadcast after the day’s match was over. He was happy to be at the top, but he was still ready for the last day as he said, “It feels fantastic, but we still have five more games, so we need to stay composed and try to close it out tomorrow.”

The 2022 PUBG Nations Cup will come to an end tomorrow, with the last five matches to decide the recipients of the $500,000 prize pool. According to the speculations from the broadcast, the total prize pool including the crowdfunding will be "north of $1.2M".

All images by: KRAFTON

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