Prince William unrecognised in baseball cap

Prince William dons a baseball cap if he doesn't want to get recognised in public.

The 39-year-old royal - who has children Princes George, eight, and Louis, four, and Princess Charlotte, seven, with wife Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge - joined Big Issue vendor Dave Martin to sell copies of the magazine in London earlier this month and he was amazed at how easily people spotted him wearing the distinctive red tabard donned by the sellers.

Speaking to Dave in an interview for the latest issue of the publication, he said: "I was surprised how many people actually spotted me wearing a Big Issue tabard standing outside Sainsbury’s.

"I can walk down the street with a baseball cap on and nobody would pay attention.

"But everyone was really friendly, weren’t they? I’m conscious that I got the easy version in the summer sunshine."

William "really enjoyed" getting out and selling the magazine and wished his selling stint had lasted longer.

He told Dave: "I really enjoyed it. I could have spent many more hours out there with you."

The prince wishes people did more to engage with the people around them as he thinks that would better promote tolerance.

He said: "I’m fortunate enough that I get to see the best of people whenever I meet them. They give me their best side. Dave, you probably get to see the worst in people."

Dave replied: "Sometimes, yeah. I’m fortunate that I’ve built up my pitch over the years and it is quite a friendly place. But I’ve heard vendors getting spat at and a lot of verbal abuse."

William continued: "I’m lucky because I am who I am. Often, people are happy to talk to me. We’ve got to push back on the normality that is popping in your wireless earphones and wandering down the street, listening to music or on a phone. In a city, you walk past hundreds of people every day and you don’t even look at them. Wouldn’t it be nice to find out a bit more about the people either side of you? That way, people would be a bit more understanding, a bit more tolerant of what everyone’s had to deal with."

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