Texas Republican Party Adopts Anti-LGBT Platform

LGBT Pride Parade In Sao Paulo (Photo: Wikimedia)

The Texas Republican Party announced the implementation of a new 40-page anti-LGBTQ platform over the weekend, calling homosexuality an “abnormal lifestyle” and “opposes all efforts to validate transgender identity.”

The “Homosexuality and Gender Issues” section indicates a formal stance against legally protecting those who are a part of the LGBTQ community by declaring identification a choice. They also voiced support for anyone who opposes homosexuality based on religion or “traditional values.”

The platform also announced opposition to taxpayer funds going to “medical gender dysphoria treatments or sex-change operations,” meaning that military members will not be supported financially if they seek either treatment.

The Texas Republican Party also made it clear that they did not think President Joe Bidenwas the legitimate winner of the 2020 election, furthering former PresidentDonald Trump‘s claims that the election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him. Texas Sen. John Cornyn(R) also received backlash for being the leading Republican working on the bipartisan gun safety measures in the U.S. Senate.


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