Robin Williams' daughter Zelda is making directorial debut with Lisa Frankenstein

Robin Williams' daughter Zelda Williams is making her directorial debut with 'Lisa Frankenstein'.

The 32-year-old filmmaker - whose father tragically died aged 63 in August 2014 - is making moves behind the camera with the upcoming movie, which is set to star Kathryn Newton and Cole Sprouse.

Focus Features made the announcement on Wednesday (29.06.22) with Zelda at the helm of the zom-com, which has been written by 'Juno' and 'Jennifer's Body' scribe Diablo Cody.

The film, set in 1989, follows an unpopular high school student who accidentally reanimates a handsome Victorian corpse during a lightning storm, and then begins to rebuild him into her dream man using a broken tanning bed in her garage.

Zelda responded to the news on Twitter, and wrote: "Zomb-com incoming! I repeat, zomb-com incoming!

"I know Hollywood gets a bad rep for regurgitating sequels and remakes and reboots over and over and over… and yeah, it totally does that!

"But it’s also finally letting me make the most bonkers, wonderful zombie script I’ve ever read, and for that, I will be forever grateful!"

She admitted this "wasn't meant to be" her first feature film, with three other projects being scrapped before this one got picked up.

She continued: "Also, for anyone coming here to be like ‘THIS is your first feature?!’, it wasn’t meant to be.

"I had three films fall apart before this, because movies often do. It was discouraging, to say the least. But the fact this one survived and THRIVED to be my first? A f****** gift".

Meanwhile, she noted the movie would be heavily influenced by 1980s cinema, right down to the actors playing high school students being noticably older than their characters.

She added: "Also, because it’s already come up: this movie is a stylized 80s [and] involves a zombie. It is NOT reality and doesn’t pretend to be.

"Stylistically, the actors are NOT teens but are playing teens (and an undead guy) because that was how many of my fave 80s movies were. Zee End. (sic)"

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