Britney Spears’ Dad Jamie Not Backing Down From Trying To Depose Princess Of Pop


Britney Spears' estranged dad is once again demanding that his daughter sits down for a deposition.

According to Radar, Jamie Spears' team of lawyers has no plans to back down, as they want Britney to sit down and answer questions under oath about her abuse allegations regarding her dad's role in her near-14-year-long conservatorship.

In addition to accusing Jamie of forcing her to work, pushing her to take medicine, taking away her right to drive, spying on her cell phone, the princess of pop claimed he wouldn't allow her to see her friends and family when she wished to.

She also told the court during her headline-making testimony last summer that she believes Jamie misused her money and even overpaid her ex-business managers to the tune of $300k+ while serving as the conservator of her estate.


As Jamie's legal minds continue to make moves to depose the musician, she has refused accusing Jamie of asking her for a deposition as a form of revenge. As for Britney's legal mind, Mathew Rosengart, he said he believes Jamie only made the request after his daughter demanded he sit down to answer questions under oath.

In the 70-year-old's new motion, he pointed out California law makes it clear that his daughter must sit for a depo. As Radar reported, Jamie said Britney argued he could get the information he needs from other parties rather than putting her through it.

Nevertheless, Jamie believes he is entitled to depose his daughter to “prove with admissible evidence that Britney’s allegations are untrue and dispel Britney’s accusations regarding the administration of her Estate."


He also called the "Toxic" songstress out for posting about his alleged wrongdoings on Instagram, noting that since she made the accusations in public, he has a right to grill her.

A judge has yet to rule on the matter.

Britney's conservatorship was terminated in November 2021, two months after Jamie stepped down as conservator of her estate. Aside from her father, the mother-of-two has also accused the rest of her famous family of cashing on her fame while she was in the legal bind.

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