T1 Oner: "Poppy is the best champion in the current meta."

On July 21, in the 2022 LCK Summer Split, T1 defeated Kwangdong Freecs 2-1 and continued to move forward in the season. T1 jungler Moon “Oner” Hyeon-joon had a great performance playing Lee Sin and Xin Zhao. After the match, he joined the press room for an interview.

How do you feel about today’s win?

Since we got our first and only loss of the season against Kwangdong Freecs, we thought we had to win no matter what. We were a bit anxious when we lost game 1, but everyone thought we could win, so I played the next two games comfortably. It’s more satisfying because we had revenge.

Kwangdong Freecs played quite well today, despite their struggles in the recent games. How would you evaluate them for today’s match?

We also thought Kwangdong Freecs were struggling recently, so I thought we’d win without much trouble. However, it seems Kwangdong Freecs play much better whenever they face us. I think they prepared well.

What did you discuss after losing game 1?

There were several things we lost because of our mistakes. We talked about that and the parts where we lacked shotcalls. Those parts were fixed in the following games so we were able to get the win.

You picked Ashe early in the draft. What’s the reason?

The bot picks are mainly directed by Gumayusi and Keria, so I don’t know the details. Keria seems to like Ashe, and he’s good playing her, so I think that’s why we picked Ashe early.

In game 3, only the top lane champions were different. What was the reason?

I only realized the champions were the same except top lane after the match. It seemed the opponent liked Kalista and Renata Glasc so we just responded to their picks.

Jarvan IV kept going for the bot lane, but you counter-ganked to help your teammates.

Anyone would have seen that they would fight often in the bot lane, so I thought the junglers should stay close. If I kept up with Jarvan IV, I thought our bot lane would easily get ahead.

Many different picks appear in the jungle now. What’s the best jungle champion in the current meta?

I’m not sure without Hexflash, but with Hexflash, Poppy is the best champion in the current meta. Poppy’s jungling is decent, and there are lots she can do even if she didn’t scale well. With Hexflash, she can intervene in the lanes a lot too.

When were the players notified that Hexflash can’t be used? Were there any issues with preparing strategies?

We were notified around 10 PM last night. The draft didn’t change too much due to Hexflash being banned. Our prepared strategies were okay, so we just went the same way.

Your next match is against Fredit BRION. How do you think it’ll go?

Compared to the beginning of the season, Fredit BRION changed to a team that attempts many different things. They’ll probably have pocket moves tucked up their sleeves, so we should prepare well to deal with their attempts.

There have been referee issues recently. How do you think it should be improved?

During the pauses, I felt that the referees that stand behind us don’t have any power. Things might be easier if they have the authority to pause the game. If they’re allowed to make decisions on their own, things will get more convenient.

Any last comments?

Thank you for coming all the way to LoL Park in the hot weather. I hope I can have an interview next time as the Player of the Game. Thank you.

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