Lynne Spears Claps Back At Britney Spears' Accusations After Singer Shares Text Message Exchange From 2019 Facility


Don't mess with Lynne Spears! Britney Spears' mom clapped back at the pop star's accusations after she shared their text message exchange from when she was in a 2019 facility.

“Britney, I have the ‘whole conversations’ as well!” Lynne, 67, said alongside a screenshot that Jansen Fitzgerald posted on her Instagram Story on Monday, July 25, showing that she did reply to her daughter after all.

“I hurt for you that you feel the people who love you the most betrayed you! Let me come to you! I love you!” Lynne added.


In the screenshots the "Lucky" songstress uploaded, she shared a conversation with her mother, writing, “He was saying he wants to UP the seraquil [sic] and I’m like whoaaaaaaa horsey go f**k yourslwf [sic].

Then, she asked Fitzgerald for a new lawyer to represent her.

“I need John bells number please,” Britney said at the time. “When u can.”

"Also what about the lithium levels in your opinion and it being monitored for so long …. Of course they can MAKE UP any excuse to keep doing it but is it really healthy and ok to give blood for THAT LONG … I have a feeling you will I will be ok but it still doesn’t make sense," she continued.


Fitzgerald also replied to Britney's messages, saying that she too responded.

"My heart is a little broken this morning so I would like to clarify some things … I love my friends more than life itself and would go to ends of the earth for them. This msg along with THOUSANDS of msgs were sent to the court investigator in 2019 in order to help my friend Britney Spears. We talked daily when she was in her last facility and her mom and I even went to New Orleans and met with an attorney to try and help her because we knew they wouldn’t let us near her! We were also very cautious of what we would write in messages because we had a feeling her phone was being monitored," she wrote.

She added, "When she left the facility my phone number was blocked from her and we have never spoken again! I have tried to reach her through every possible outlet and always failed. It has been almost 3 years now. I miss my friend terribly and want nothing but the best for her. I don’t know if some of my msgs to her were deleted by outside sources or what happened but I do know the courts had them all as I was very concerned for her and felt that my messages could help her case."


Britney shared — but then deleted — the text messages via Instagram. "It’s a little different with proof …. Here are my text messages to mom in that place 3 years ago … I show it because there was no response … When I got out, her words were ‘You should have let me visit you and give you a hug,'" she captioned the evidence. "The second picture is a message to my friend from home … She was supposed to help me get a new lawyer … I never heard back from her … The last picture was a message to the lawyer I didn’t get to pick … I had nobody … PS My Sister’s text after not texting for 3 days was ‘They’re not gonna let you go so why are you fighting it’ …" she wrote.

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