Transformer Explosion Causes Brief Fire At Hoover Dam

The Hoover Dam (Image: Wikimedia)

A transformer exploded at the Hoover Dam causing some brief panic as thick black smoke and some flames were spotted at the dam’s hydroelectric facilities. The fire was quickly extinguished and while the damage is still being investigated, no one was injured and it seems like the power of the several states which rely on the Dam will be unaffected.

The explosion occurred around 10 a.m. and was apparently heard by tourists who felt a rumble and alarms that began blaring in response to the situation. The transformer is one of 15 at the Dam, but officials confirmed that even if the Hoover Dam had been compromised in the explosion, “no single source is integral to the health of the power grid.”

The Hoover Dam is an iconic American landmark, but it and other hydroelectric facilities have been under more strain as water levels in the United States have been falling due to climate change.

Here is a video of the incident, and you can tell how immense and tall the Hoover Dam is just from how tiny and far away the fire seems.


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