Alex Jones’ $150 Million Defamation Trial For Spreading Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories Starts

Alex Jones mugshot

Host of Infowars Alex Jones has finally had his first day in an Austin court which he had been avoiding for months to the point where his show filed for bankruptcy protection due to mounting fines. Jones has falsely claimed on multiple occasions that the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting never occurred.

He has already been hit with a default guilty judgment in his two defamation suits filed in Texas and Connecticut. He received the default judgment because he repeatedly failed to appear in court, citing health problems.


Jones’ courtroom conduct has also already been flagged. According to reports, the TV host was chewed out by Judge Maya Guerra Gamble because he was heard saying “you’re having your rights to a trial by jury to decide if you’re guilty or innocent stolen from you. This is a kangaroo court,” within earshot of the jury.

Jones was offered his day in court and the chance to sit down for a deposition, but refused to do so at every turn.

The Texas suit Jones is facing was filed by Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis, the parents of one of the 6-year-old victims of the shooting, Jesse Lewis. They will ask for $150 million from Jones for emotional distress and reputational damage, and potentially more money in punitive damages. Jones and his attorneys have claimed he has a negative net worth of $20 million, but the host likely profited greatly off of supplement sales imploring his fans to donate to the show directly.

They are both expected to testify in the trial, and so far their attorney has argued that Jones exploited their son’s death. “Mr. Jones will do or say anything to protect his ability to profit off his lies,” they said in a court filing. “You can put an end to these lies by punishing Alex Jones.”

Bankston also attempted to predict the argument of the Jones camp by saying, “This has nothing to do with the constitution.”


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