VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: Esther Smith & Rafe Spall On Adoption Struggles In ‘Trying’ Season 3

Rafe Spall & Esther Smith in AppleTV+'s 'Trying' (Image: AppleTV+)

Tryingis back for season three. The Apple original comedy delves into the story of Nikki and Jason as they navigate adoption and quickly going from being just a couple to adding two children to their family.

Esther Smith (Nikki) and Rafe Spall(Jason) recently sat down for a conversation about adoption in the film with uInterview founder Erik Meers.

“I like the scenes where they have a little conflict, because this couple obviously really love each other, care about each other, see the best in each other,” Spall revealed. “They are also very aware of each other’s flaws and they’re in a highly pressurized situation. Obviously, they’re going to fall out sometimes. There’s quite a few of those scenes in this season and they come out on the other side stronger and deeper which I think is what we can all hope for in our own relationships.”


“Those kinds of arguments for Nikki and Jason are so fun to play,” Smith agreed. “I always feel there’s a slight laugh behind the actual saying of it. Particularly this season, because we’ve got the two kids with us, certain scenes with them when we’re maybe teaching them something or coming to a resolution with them, their journey or all their traumas and what they’ve been going through just really felt heartbreaking. It also felt like a really lovely moment for them to show that they are capable of being parents, because that’s what the struggle has been throughout the first two seasons is proving to other people. The quiet moments with the kids just shows they are, despite it being hard, really capable of being parents and brilliant ones at that.”

The actors also shed light on what they believe the audience should take away from the film.

“Trying to do the right thing is the right thing,” Spall remarked. “Most people live their life wanted to be good people and that’s not always easy. It’s not always straightforward, but if you try to be good and decent, then that’s very important. This couple does that. They mess up and fail and fall short of the mark, but they get up.”

“Similarly with that, I think throw out how you think life is gonna be,” Smith added. “There’s expectation versus reality and I think in series one, Nikki says something along the lines of, ‘You need to get rid of what you think your life’s going to be, because that’s where your problems start.’ Life rarely turns out how you think it’s going to be and that’s okay. It’s okay for it to be messy. It’s okay to not know what you’re doing. Just keep trying.”

Season Three of Trying is available for streaming on Apple TV+ now.


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