Vanessa Morgan Admits Motherhood Is The 'Most Rewarding Job': 'My Son Is My Greatest Teacher'


Vanessa Morgan hasn't been a mom for very long, but she is learning so much from being around her son, River.

"Motherhood has been crazy. It's been the hardest, but most rewarding job. My son is my greatest teacher, and I just love having my little companion and my little bestie with me to do life with. To see the world through his eyes is a real, incredible experience," the 30-year-old exclusively tells OK! while talking about her partnership with Gold Bond for the brand's new #MyScarStory campaign, which encourages people everywhere to embrace real skin and the stories it tells.



These days, the Riverdale star is constantly watching her son grow up right before her eyes. "It's so amazing. It's the definition of priceless. You see the beauty in everything because that's how he sees it," she shares. "Everything's new to him, and everything is a new experience. My inner child has almost been woken up, and that is what life is all about."

"He's running around everywhere and saying words," she gushes. "Now he says 'mama,' which I love, and it always melts my heart. He loves telling people that I'm his mom. It's a new thing he started, and it's so cute. I love going for walks with him, swimming and he loves playing with his balls. Those are all of my favorite little activities."


These days, Morgan, who will begin filming on the last season of Riverdale soon, hopes to not only inspire her son but others as well, which is why her partnership with Gold Bond made the most sense.

Despite having a rough, the actress is embracing the mark her son left on her body.

"About a year and a half ago I had an emergency C-section, and because of that, I obviously have a scar. I heard Gold Bond was doing the #MyScarMyStory campaign, and I thought it was a perfect fit for me to share the story of my scare and encourage others to embrace their real skin," the mom-of-one, who uses Gold Bond Healing Lotion, Gold Bond Advanced Healing Ointment, and Gold Bond Pure Moisture Daily Body & Face Lotion on her skin, explains. "We should embrace our perfection."

Getty Images on behalf of Gold Bond

Morgan even got a tattoo, which spells "kintsugi" in cursive, to celebrate the moment. "I thought that was a great way to honor that scar by putting that word. I truly feel like I'm more beautiful for that imperfection and for having had that surgery and bringing my son into the world," she states.

Ultimately, Morgan hopes "to be a good teacher" for River and always tell him that he's beautiful. "The way you are and your imperfections are beautiful," she says. "That's all that matters and what's inside."

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