Meghan Markle Walks Hand-In-Hand With Gloria Steinem After Lunch In NYC

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - JUNE 03: (EMBARGOED FOR PUBLICATION IN UK NEWSPAPERS UNTIL 24 HOURS AFTER CREATE DATE AND TIME) Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attends a National Service of Thanksgiving to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth...

Meghan Markle was spotted strolling hand-in-hand with legendary feminist activist Gloria Steinem in Manhattan. The two reportedly met for lunch at the Crosby Hotel in SoHo after Markle had been at the United Nations for a speech her husband gave.

Steinem and the Duchess of Sussex reportedly became fast friends when Markle and Harry moved to California after stepping down as working members of the British Royal family. While speaking for a Vogue profile with Markle about abortion rights, Steinem said they were neighbors when she “was sheltering on a friend’s ranch in California.”

They also spoke about activism and elections, the changes in the feminist movement between when Steinem began her career and now, as well as the devastating effects the Roe v. Wade reversal is already having in states with abortion-banning trigger laws. Harry denounced the the Supreme Court ruling in his U.N. speech.


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