Joe Wicks doesn't know gender of new baby

Joe Wicks still hasn’t found out the gender of his new baby or chosen a name.

The 36-year-old fitness coach and his 32-year-old wife Rosie Jones – who already have Indigo [Indie], four, and Marley, two – are expecting their third child together at the start of September but they have no idea if it will be a boy or a girl.

Joe admitted choosing a name has been so tough that he turned to his fans for help.

He told new! magazine: "We have a few names we like but nothing we absolutely love and so I just put it out there thinking I’d get a few hundred name ideas, but I got about 8,000!"

Joe and Rosie would love to have four or more children and although they don't have a nanny, the pair rely heavily on their mothers for help with childcare.

He explained: "I’m so lucky as my mum and Rosie’s mum are nearby. I’d find it hard to leave my kids with someone I didn’t know, so the fact I’ve got my mum means I can have a night out in a hotel and I love that.

"I know it’s going to be tough because obviously we’ve got a four-year-old and a two-year-old and so we’ll have to get more people ready for bed. It’s going to be more of a team-like thing. I’m definitely going to try to block my time out better so I can be around more in the mornings and evenings.

"It’s going be really exhausting for Rosie with the new baby, but she’s very good. She loves it. “But I don’t want to leave Rosie on her own thinking she’s got to do all of it. The more I can help out the easier it will feel for us both. We don’t have a nanny. We don’t have any help. We like being there for our kids."

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