A strange revive bug brings LCK players back to life mid-match

An LCK regular season match between DRX and Nongshim RedForce was paused due to an unusual bug that saw some players instantly revive after being killed.

Game one of the best-of-three series was being led by DRX before a dragon teamfight at 35 minutes. During the scuffle, support Cho “BeryL” Geon-hee lost his life as Amumu only to instantly respawn at his team’s fountain. BeryL quickly pinged in confusion and enacted a pause soon after.

The play resumed sometime later with the referee opting against a chronobreak. The match continued precisely where it left off with BeryL skipping his death timer.

Only a few minutes later, the bug reared its head once again for the opposing team. Nongshim support No “SnowFlower” Hoi-jong’s Leona was a casualty in a team fight only to respawn straight away. It happened again only a few seconds later after DRX stormed SnowFLower’s base and killed him under the fountain. He instantly reappeared with full HP seconds before the game ended.

Perhaps even more bizarrely, the kills did not register for those that claimed them and the deaths did not register for the players experiencing the bug, however other players were given assists on their scoreline.

Luckily the bug did not re-appear throughout the rest of the series, however a match in Japan’s LJL between DetonatioN FocusMe and Sengoku Gaming also underwent a long pause as a result of the same problem.

HexFlash potentially caused a revive bug in an LCK game

While there’s no official word from Riot Games as to the cause of the bugs, one thing shared in common between all players that experienced it was having the Hextech Flashtraption rune, otherwise known as HexFlash.

The rune has caused numerous bugs in the past and has now been disabled for this weekend’s LEC and LCS matches. Riot Games listed an unspecified “severe issue”. This has led to some backlash, with SK Gaming support Erik “Treatz” Wessén explaining that his team had “no practice with that [rune being disabled] for the entire week but let’s see what happens.”

The post A strange revive bug brings LCK players back to life mid-match appeared first on WIN.gg.

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