FBI Believed Trump Had Nuclear Documents Illegally Stored At Mar-A-Lago

Mar-a-Lago (Photo: Wikimedia)

After former President Donald Trump’s residence in Florida was raided by the FBI, more details are emerging about the number of materials seized by the agency.

The FBI reportedly believed that Trump had illegally stored nuclear documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort in violation of federal law, posing a grave risk to U.S. national security, according to a report from The Washington Post.

In a statement from Trump’s legal team, Christina Bobb said the FBI took around 12 boxes worth of materials and supplies.

Previously, Trump had returned 15 boxes of government documents back to the Department of Justice.

Most of the items taken were found in the basement area of the Mar-a-Largo club.

The reason for the search was reportedly centered around presidential documents that Trump had taken with him. The search warrant, according to Bobb, was to see if Trump had violated any laws around classified information.

In a statement from the Department of Justice, the documents the FBI searched for were labeled “national security information.”

Despite Trump having returned several boxes in the past, DOJ officials believed Trump still had documents hidden in his residence.

Attorney General Merrick Garland asked a federal court to unseal the search warrant today.


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