Idris Elba was ambushed by bat during shower romp

Idris Elba had a sex session with his wife ruined by a bat.

The 49-year-old actor was having a steamy shower romp with his wife Sabrina but had to flee in the nude because he has a phobia of the winged creatures.

Idris revealed that the animal encounter happened earlier this year as he was filming for his new movie 'Beast' in South Africa.

He told Men's Journal magazine: "I was shooting in Limpopo. My wife was there and we were going to have some fun in the shower.

"Some morning romance, you know? She got in, then I followed her and closed the door.

"But then I looked down and clinging for life to the inside shower door handle was this bat. A tiny, wet bat. I hate bats. It was freaky as f***. I jumped out of the shower so fast.

"My wife makes fun of me about it to this day - 'You left me in the shower with a bat!'"

The 'Luther' star revealed that he first developed a fear of bats when he was in Australia.

He explained: "These big fruit bats would soar by the place I was staying every evening at around five. They were huge and long. Horrifying.

"Not like the one in the shower. That guy was tiny, but still."

Despite his bat terrors, Idris is usually no stranger to the shower as he revealed that often goes in twice a day to keep himself feeling fresh.

He said: "I will shave! I'm the guy who gets new growth by five o'clock in the afternoon, so I keep on top of it. And I shower every day, sometimes twice a day. I just got a fresh haircut and, honestly, my energy levels feel different. My clothes feel different."

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