MultiVersus leak hints at Teen Titans, guilds, and more

The most recent MultiVersus leak is a big one, with a guild system built and hints of the Teen Titans joining the fray both popping up.

The popular platform fighter has been celebrated by the FGC for its online play, interesting roster of characters, and free content. Data miners have continued to leak information about MultiVersus, including upcoming characters and content. The latest discovery is one of the biggest ones yet.

A leaker shared some interesting new content coming to the game quite soon. According to MultiVersususie, guild challenges and daily and weekly quests are coming in the near future.

What are guilds in MultiVersus?

Guilds are a group of gamers that regularly practice or play together, creating a sense of community with other players online. Guilds will be coming to MultiVersus, according to recent leaks, but not a lot of information is known about how the guilds will work or be set up.

What we do know, however, is that the guilds will reportedly have their own specific quests to complete each day and week for awards. This format has been adopted by a number of games, including Dota 2. Susie showed some screenshots of possibly upcoming guild missions on their Twitter.

  • Buddy Up: Play 3 matches with a guild member
  • I’ll Slay Anything That’s Evil: Deal 300 damage to a Guild Boss
  • Titans Together!: Help your guild defeat the Guild Boss

According to Susie’s leak, it appears that there will be Guild Bosses in MultiVersus. Fans currently don’t know what or who they will be at this time, however. “Titans Together” also hints at the possibility of a Teen Titans character coming to the ever-expanding roster, Raven or Robin are both possible if other leaks are to be believed.

No matter what the guilds end up consisting of, the concept is definitely a welcome one for MultiVersus players. The game has been criticized for the grindy nature of the Battle Pass. These guild missions will give players another option for gaining XP and in-game content.

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