Kick Game calls in PwC as firm weighs up £150m sale

By Leah Montebello

Trainer reseller Kick Game has called in City big dog PwC to help advise the company on a potential £150m sale.

As first reported by Mark Kleinman for Sky News, the company has drafted in the accounting titan to explore options for the future and examine any potential suitors.

Kick Game, which has stores in London, Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester, enables buying and selling of high-demand trainers, limited edition products and streetwear.

The firm claims to be the biggest reseller of its kind and has a turnover of around £40m for this year.

Kick Game cashed in on the pandemic boom for recommerce, and it is understood that the advisory process for any sale would take months to conclude.

The resale marketplace, which was formed in 2013 and ships to 70 countries across the world, also sells products from the likes of Nike, Supreme and Yeezy.

Kick Game were not immediately available for comment.

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