Serbian President Calls For An Urgent Meeting With Kosovo Serbs Amid Belgrade-Pristina Talks In Brussels

Shortly before 1 pm Brussels time, the first round of Belgrade-Pristina talks concluded. The EU-led Kosovo-Serbia talks is facilitated by High Representative Josep Borrell and supported by EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak.

According to the sources with direct knowledge of what happened in the meeting, PM Albin Kurti “rejected any compromise.” The relationship between Pristina and Belgrade inevitably ended in a stalemate.

Kosovo-Serbia talks in Brussels: PM of Kosovo Albin Kurti and President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic

Following the first round of meetings, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic called for an urgent meeting with the Serbian minority in Kosovo.

The meeting with Kosovo Serbs will take place on Sunday at 11 am local time in the Palace of Serbia in Belgrade.

Ahead of the Serbia-Kosovo meeting, Josep Borrell echoed Ned Price and said that “it is time to move forward towards full normalization.”

Ahead of the meeting, the Serbian President said he was “hopeful” of reaching “some kind of a solution,” although, Vucic said, “I remain skeptical.”

While the US is not a direct participant in these talks, Gabriel Escobar, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs is in Brussels on behalf of the State Department.

According to the Serbian President, in what he described as “open conversation” with Gabriel Escobar, he “expressed Serbia’s commitment to upholding peace, stability, and regional progress as a serious, dependable, and responsible party in the dialogue.”